32mm Combination Wrench 430mmL

Metric Combination Wrenches - Mirror Finish

Item No. Size
748206 6 130 23 240 6.0 0.30 000370
748207 7 135 25 240 7.0 0.30 000390
748208 8 142 33 240 9.0 0.30 000410
748209 9 154 45 200 10.0 0.59 000460
748210 10 162 58 200 12.0 0.59 000460
748211 11 170 68 200 14.0 0.59 000500
748212 12 175 80 200 17.0 0.59 000550
748213 13 180 87 150 14.0 0.52 000580
748214 14 195 103 150 16.0 0.52 000630
748215 15 205 140 100 15.0 0.62 000720
748216 16 205 140 100 15.0 0.62 000720
748217 17 228 175 100 18.0 0.62 000830
748218 18 228 165 100 17.0 0.62 000830
748219 19 250 208 60 13.0 0.52 000970
748220 20 250 200 60 13.0 0.52 001080
748221 21 270 283 60 18.0 0.52 001180
748222 22 295 358 60 22.0 0.52 001360
748223 23 295 358 60 22.0 0.52 001430
748224 24 315 367 30 12.0 0.45 001540
748225 25 338 483 30 15.0 0.45 001740
748226 26 338 467 30 15.0 0.45 001740
748227 27 360 600 30 19.0 0.45 002050
748228 28 360 600 20 13.0 0.39 002050
748229 29 395 650 20 14.0 0.39 002500
748230 30 395 675 20 14.0 0.39 002500
748232 32 430 825 20 17.0 0.43 002700
  • â?¢ Always use wrench sizes which fit the fastener. Do not use metric wrenches on SAE fasteners, or vice versa.
  • â?¢ Always pull the tools toward you. Do not push. â?¢ Always use box-end as a primary choice and open-end as secondary where possible. Box-end secures the fastener better which help prevent slipping when using a wrench.
  • â?¢ Always ensure the wrench is securely fitted on the fastener and the adjustable wrench is adjusted to grip the fastener firmly before fastening.
  • â?¢ Do not use wrenches that are bent, cracked or badly worn.
  • â?¢ Do not overload a wrench by using pipes or other extensions to increase leverage or by striking with a hammer to gain extra strength. Doing so exposes sudden breakage and can result in bodily injury. Wrenches with extra-long or striking-face are designed for these purposes.
  • â?¢ Do not use a wrench if the fastener requires a specific torque. Instead, use a torque wrench to avoid under or over torquing.

  • Conversion Calculator
