3/4″ Dr. 24mm Impact Socket Cr-Mo

3/4″ Dr. 24mm Impact Socket Cr-Mo

3/4" Dr. 6 pt. Metric Impact Sockets Cr-Mo

Item No. A
645217 17 29 38 51 220 50 12.0 0.34 000855
645218 18 31 38 51 230 50 12.0 0.34 000855
645219 19 32 38 51 240 50 13.0 0.34 000855
645220 20 33 38 51 250 50 13.0 0.34 000855
645221 21 35 38 51 250 50 14.0 0.34 000855
645222 22 36 40 51 290 50 16.0 0.34 000855
645223 23 38 40 51 290 50 16.0 0.34 000855
645224 24 39 40 51 300 50 16.0 0.34 000855
645225 25 40 40 54 330 50 17.0 0.34 000855
645226 26 41 41 54 340 50 18.0 0.34 000855
645227 27 42 42 54 350 50 18.0 0.41 000855
645228 28 44 44 54 380 50 20.0 0.41 000910
645229 29 45 44 54 390 50 21.0 0.41 000970
645230 30 46 44 54 400 50 21.0 0.41 000970
645231 31 48 44 54 430 30 14.0 0.34 001025
645232 32 49 44 57 460 30 15.0 0.34 001025
645233 33 50 44 57 460 30 15.0 0.34 001115
645234 34 51 44 57 470 30 15.0 0.34 001115
645235 35 53 44 57 500 30 16.0 0.34 001175
645236 36 54 44 57 510 30 16.0 0.34 001260
645237 37 55 44 57 520 30 16.0 0.34 001315
645238 38 56 44 57 520 30 16.0 0.34 001315
645239 39 57 44 58 570 30 18.0 0.34 001645
645240 40 59 44 58 580 20 12.0 0.39 001645
645241 41 60 44 58 600 20 13.0 0.39 001645
645242 42 61 44 58 630 20 13.0 0.39 002100
645243 43 63 44 60 630 20 13.0 0.39 002100
645244 44 64 44 63 690 20 15.0 0.39 002300
645245 45 65 44 63 690 20 15.0 0.39 002300
645246 46 66 44 63 730 20 16.0 0.39 002300
645247 47 67 44 63 770 20 16.0 0.39 002435
645248 48 69 44 65 790 20 17.0 0.39 002435
645249 49 70 44 65 840 20 18.0 0.39 002435
645250 50 71 44 68 870 20 19.0 0.39 002435
645251 51 72 44 68 870 10 10.0 0.43 003675
645252 52 74 54 70 1080 10 12.0 0.43 003675
645253 53 75 54 70 1100 10 12.0 0.43 003940
645254 54 76 54 73 1200 10 13.0 0.43 003940
645255 55 78 54 73 1240 10 13.0 0.43 003940
645256 56 79 54 73 1240 10 13.0 0.43 004620
645257 57 80 54 73 1290 10 14.0 0.43 004620
645258 58 81 54 73 1330 10 14.0 0.43 005145
645259 59 83 60 73 1400 10 15.0 0.43 005670
645260 60 84 60 80 1580 10 17.0 0.43 006195
645261 61 85 60 80 1580 10 17.0 0.43 006825
645262 62 86 60 80 1600 10 17.0 0.43 006825
645263 63 88 60 80 1680 10 18.0 0.43 006825
645264 64 89 60 80 1720 6 11.0 0.41 007350
645265 65 90 60 85 1820 6 12.0 0.41 007350
645266 66 91 60 85 1830 6 12.0 0.41 007875
645267 67 92 60 85 1840 6 12.0 0.41 007875
645268 68 94 60 85 1840 6 12.0 0.41 007875
645269 69 95 60 85 1960 6 13.0 0.41 007875
645270 70 96 60 90 2140 6 14.0 0.41 007875
645271 71 98 60 90 2170 6 14.0 0.41 011000
645272 72 99 60 90 2200 6 14.0 0.41 013000
645273 73 100 60 90 2230 6 14.0 0.41 013000
645274 74 101 60 90 2250 6 14.0 0.41 013000
645275 75 102 60 90 2270 6 14.0 0.41 013000
645276 76 104 60 90 2340 6 15.0 0.41 014800
  • â?¢ Always wear safety goggles and protective equipment while using any impact tool.
  • â?¢ Always use the proper type and size of socket and make sure it fits securely onto the fastener. An oversize or sloppy fit can cause slippage and injury as well as wear to both the socket and the fastener.
  • â?¢ Always use retaining ring and pin to hold socket on impact tool.
  • â?¢ Do not use damaged or worn sockets or accessories.
  • â?¢ Do not run the impact tool while placing the socket over the nut.
  • â?¢ Do not hold the socket or accessory while the tool is in operation.
  • â?¢ Do not continue to drive with an impact socket once the fastener is tight.
  • â?¢ Do not use hand sockets or accessories on impact tools.
  • Rubber Ring and Steel Pin Kits, 06417RP

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